Committee Meeting June 2020

We decided to emulate all the family quiz groups and had our first Zoom committee meeting. It was very successful – if anything, better than our traditional meetings. No more need to book a location in RTE and to find parking. For those of you who have not had the pleasure of visiting the Studio … Read more

CIE Pension situation

Irish Times 11th June 2020 CIÉ fails to get agreement on tackling €550m pension deficit Workers support proposals to restore one plan but shun propositions for another Thu, Jun 11, 2020, 05:09 Barry O’Halloran State-owned transport group CIÉ faces a partial setback in efforts to tackle a near €550 million pension shortfall after workers backed … Read more

Superannuation Scheme Annual Report

The report is on its way to all members. Of particular interest is the decision to stop deductions of the Noonan levy. This will mean approximately 2% increase in your pension but the actual date is still TBA because of the current coronavirus situation. You can read the report here.

Letter to Paschal Donohue. Minister for Finance & Public Expenditure and Reform.

RTE RETIRED STAFF ASSOCIATION PO Box 12250 Dublin 41 Wesley Heights D16 AV81 Dear Minister Donohoe, I am writing to you in my capacity as Chairperson of the RTE Retired Staff Association. We represent the 1500+ members of the RTE Defined Benefit Superannuation Scheme. We only became aware recently that the scheme sponsor (RTE) … Read more

Paschal Donohoe has blocked our pension increase

I regret to to inform our members that the Department of Finance / Public Expenditure and their Minister have now formally refused to approve the increase in pensions-in-payment, applied for in 2018, after a lengthy delay and notwithstanding that this increase was previously recommended both by the Trustees and by the Sponsor, RTÉ, and that … Read more

Pension Ombudsman comments on Levy

Pension levy on private sector not always ‘fair’. Pensions Ombudsman Paul Kenny says in “most cases”, the effect of the reduction in payment would “last for the lifetime of the pensioner”. The Pensions Ombudsman has told the Oireachtas finance committee that the Government’s imposition of a 0.6 per cent levy on private sector pension schemes … Read more

Meeting with Superannuation Trustees

We had a very useful and informative meeting on Friday 6th March with Conor Hayes, Chairman, Eugene Murray and Charles Byrne. The full Board had a formal meeting earlier in the afternoon and made some significant decisions. We listened and learned and asked many questions on your behalf. It was mutually agreed that the best … Read more

RTE Superannuation Scheme statement re pension increase delay.

The RTÉRSA have made many submissions to a very wide variety of public representatives and all Government Ministers on this disgraceful matter. We have met with Dail Committees and leaders of most political parties. I have to say that the most helpful politician has been Brid Smith who raised the delay in payment at the … Read more

Letter to Irish Times January 23rd 2020

Dear Sir, I am one of thousands of retired semi state employees who spent their lives working for the state. ESB, Bord na Mona, RTE, Bord Gais etc etc. Most of us have no state pension. We were not allowed to pay the appropriate PRSI stamp because we all contributed to our respective Defined Benefit … Read more

Forthcoming election

The following letter has been sent to An Taoiseach, all senior Ministers and a range of TDs. We seek their answer to two two important questions. RETIRED SEMI STATE STAFF ASSOCIATION Working for all Semi-State pensioners Regina Doherty Heather Humphries Pascal Donohue c/o Fine Gael HQ 51 Upr. Mount St. Dear sir/madam, We represent a … Read more